Treat your child to a Touch-a-Truck Birthday Party!
Check out our Fun 4 Gator Kids Touch-a-Truck birthday party package! We will be hosting up to five 45 minute birthday parties this year. Your child may invite up to 11 friends to attend.
We provide:
- A party host from Sandy Sweets will take care decorating, serving and cleanup.
- The party area with a canopy, tables and chairs for 12 for 45 minutes.
- A table for presents.
- Decorations & all consumables – table cloths, plates, napkins, forks, etc.
- Bottle of water and/or juice box for each guest
- Truck themed cupcake from Sandy Sweets for each guest
- Wooden toy truck provided by Masons for the Birthday child
- Goody bag for each guest with:
- Fireman hat (donated by GFR!)
- Toy truck with candy
- Tickets for balloon launcher and face painting
In addition, the birthday family may bring a single vehicle to park in the party area for the duration of the Touch-a-Truck event.
Available party times:
- 9am – 9:45
- 10am – 10:45
- 11am – 11:45
- 12pm – 12:45
- 1pm – 1:45
Cost is: $150.
Contact Kathy Stewart at 352-514-8903 to book your party!